[REUTERS] NEWCASTLE, Australia - Dozens of white-sailed windmills have mysteriously gone missing over night from the Obelisk Hill site where they were installed only days ago, a representative for the Back to the City Arts Project said on Monday. All that remain are their tails.
The Breath of Life Art Installation team installed over 60 windmills, also known as the Australian White-Sailed Pinwheels, on the historic Obelisk site, 167 kms north of Sydney, as part of the Back to the City Project that was launched on the 25th January 2008.
"We have found a small number strewn on the ground showing evidence that some had been attacked by vandals or something quite monstrous and ferocious. You can tell by the teeth marks. The rest are missing," Varelle Hardy, a senior official of the Breath of Life installation team, said.
But she ruled out the possibility of all 60 missing windmills falling prey to the vandal monsters."If these vandal monsters had destroyed them they should have left behind the bodies" after taking away the sails, she said, adding that just one in tact windmill had been found during an extensive search.
"Where did they go? I have no answer. It is a mystery," Mrs Hardy said.
A Police spokesman did not rule out the possibility of contacting the Central Intelligence concerning the matter, "We will contact Interpol if necessary, in order to find out who did this. It's an outrage. In all my years of policing I have never seen such a thing." Detective Auster said. The Police confirmed today that they would set up Operation Boreas in an attempt to find the perpetrators.
"We hope that the one windmill who survived will help us with our inquiries" he said.
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